Future computers to boot up almost instantly with UEFI instead of BIOS, more iPad-like?

Some compelling reasons for owning an iPad is speed and convenience:  instant-on and the ease-of-use and snappiness of Apple’s iOS creating a very positive user experience when accessing email and surfing the net. My experience owning an iPad is actually quite what I would expect it to be – I grab my iPad when I need information quickly or want to check email or compose a quick message, and if I have heavier lifting, I crack open the laptop and wait for 20-30 seconds for my Mac to boot up.


The obligatory wait time while our traditional computers boot up may change soon, and by “soon” I mean as early as beginning next year.   BIOS technology has been in use since 1979 to boot up our personal computers, but BIOS is antiquated and does not meet the demands of today’s faster, more powerful computers and demanding operating systems. Instead, UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) is about to hit the scene, and when it does, your personal computer will boot up in a matter of just a few seconds. It won’t be instant-on like the iPad, but it will be very close.


When UEFI goes mainstream and boot-up times for computers takes just a few seconds — let’s speculate that your Mac or PC will boot up and be ready to go in 3 to 5 seconds — how might this impact your iPad use, if at all?



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